Sans Titre

Book - Photography and writing

88 pages
25cm x 20cm

Sans Titre is a project that I created to make sense of my own self. This is semi-autobiographical photographic novel that originated from my life story, my search of identity and a need to piece together fragments of myself. 

I chose to work on this idea of duality between a subjective point of view, which I bring through passages from my diary written over a period of 10 years, and a more analytical point of view, which is brought by this story written in the third person, where my feelings are approached from a much more distant perspective.

In these self-portraits, I use my body as a tool, a vessel to show these emotions. I become the embodiment of my feelings. They were also created as a cathartic exercise, with the aim of showing and expressing who I am to others and myself. 

Sans Titre gave me the opportunity to open my world and to no longer feel alone with those feelings that overwhelm me sometimes.
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